About: A site about life, views and simplicity. Appreciating life for what it is and poking fun at humanity's mistakes and idiocy in an appreciative manner. ;-D -reychop-

Question of Sanity

We live in a world of uncertainty. But beyond these uncertainties are structured and premeditated purposes that guide our paths- our zigzagged and crisscrossed paths- into a straightforward and linear one. And these structured concepts gave rise to cyclical and monotonic, passionless lives. We seek greatness, we seek glory, we seek success. Yet what is greatness really? What is glory? What is success? Mere concepts that were drilled into us by society are just that- concepts. But beyond these things, we know nothing more for we dare not oppose to structural mandates that society dictated.

We run in circles and live unhappy lives. We hate, we curse we suffer in misery. For what? All for society's whims and rules. Given these, is it not more pleasurable then to seek our own paths and carve our own destiny? Then why are there many people still stuck around the mandates and orders dictated to them just so they could conserve their pride?

But then again, it is not a matter of questions about insanity. But perhaps it has something more to do about the question of willingness to pursue your own goals, dreams and most of all happiness, amidst the prejudice and hate that surrounds you. Are you up to the challenge? Only you can answer that.

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